


Enerva Choco Flax Seed Bar 30 g

Flax, otherwise called normal flax or linseed, is a blooming plant, Linum usitatissimum, in the family Linaceae. It is developed as a food and fiber crop in cooler areas of the world. Materials produced using flax are referred to in Western nations as cloth, and are generally utilized for bed sheets, underwear, and table material. Its oil is known as linseed oil. Notwithstanding alluding to the plant itself, "flax" may allude to the unspun strands of the flax plant. The plant species is referred to just as a developed plant, and seems to have been trained only once from the wild species Linum bienne, considered pale flax. The plants called "flax" in New Zealand are, on the other hand, individuals from the variety Phormium

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